Foreign Investment Account Ownership

Australia Square, Sydney, New South Wales - Investment Account

Purchasing Power of this Non-U.S. Registered Investment Account

Investments are purchased as a deemed institutional professional investor, non-U.S. person and foreign country resident. Whether you are or are not a U.S. person is exempt from reporting and that means you are free to deal without U.S. person restraints, restrictions or blockage globally. The Internal Revenue Service, the U.S. Treasury and FATCA acknowledge this entity’s reporting exemption on IRS Forms 3520, IRS Form 8957 and on W-8BEN-E. This exempt reporting credential is also documented in Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) which define it exactly and other investment entities are not even mentioned anywhere.

This exempt reporting credential is also documented in Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) which define it exactly and other investment entities are not even mentioned anywhere.

Your Red Carpet to the World’s Award Winning Investment Managers

With purpose to expand your wealth manager selections from the top overseas award winners in the Extel Survey Awards, Lipper Awards, Starmine Analyst Awards, S&P Capital I.Q. and other top performers globally that are not directly accessed by U.S. Persons.

As an example: the “offshore” mutual funds of Fidelity, Vanguard, or available to Charles Schwab and etc. are not available to USA Persons. However, these same firms overseas registered funds are all available via your overseas registered investment account. This 402(b) administrator is deemed a professional investor, is not a U.S. person and provides the purchasing power of an institutional investment account for members regardless of their nationality.


[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]This IRC 402(b) Government Regulated, FATCA Registered and IRS Recognized W-8BEN-E box 29e foreign retirement plan administrator is the Foreign Financial Account holder of plan assets for both within and from beyond the borders of the USA. Click Here to get the Free White Paper[/box] The world’s top investors gravitate to a tax-free operational environment. Minimum or zero tax on capital gains, incomes, profits and dividends that accrue to the overseas Fund. This would usually allow the Fund to outperform its peers domiciled in a high-tax jurisdiction, if only by the reason that the monies, which would otherwise be paid as tax, can in the case of an offshore mutual fund be further reinvested in the assets held by the Fund.

While an offshore investment fund would typically operate in a tax-free environment and would therefore be in position to have higher yield. Minimum or zero tax on fees, commission income and profits earned by the Fund Managers, Advisors and Administrators, registered and regulated in an offshore financial center. Again, this may provide a competitive advantage to these professionals, for instance, by giving them an opportunity to charge lesser fees and commissions than do their competitors, who happen to be located in high-tax jurisdictions.

Greater operational flexibility, in terms of both the choice and structuring of the investment portfolio, and in relation to the internal structuring of the fund itself. Offshore investment funds have access to the widest possible variety of investment instruments and may often pursue more aggressive investment strategies than if they were registered in a “traditional” jurisdiction. (These Funds out perform U.S. Funds in Asia and South America) Series of offshore investment funds, designed under the same pattern, and having the same recognized managers and administrators, may be created extremely quickly and with minimum cost.

As a result, an offshore investment fund can be offered to potential investors at more attractive financial terms. It is also quite common for an offshore investment fund to outsource some or all of its support functions to outside providers, either in the same jurisdiction or abroad. Thus, such flexibility and variety of choices quite simply ensures a more efficient and profitable running of the fund.

The ideal Overseas Investment Account is FATCA reporting exempt:

You obtain foreign company residency when your company is owned by your foreign resident registered IRC 402(b). Therefore, our first step is to organize your business ownership, command and control, to be a tax recognized resident in a Hong Kong 402(b) foreign retirement plan. [box type=”note” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Learn more – Click Here to get the Free White Paper[/box]


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