New Tax Haven Is the United States

Statue of Liberty, New York - New Tax HavenMoving money out of the usual offshore secrecy havens and into the U.S. is a brisk new business. According to the Bloomberg Business News article titled: The World’s Favorite New Tax Haven Is the United States. This link was found on the Drudge Report for January 27th but not for entire 24 hours, here’s the audience stats for viewers: 031,559,617 PAST 24 HOURS – Plus we can assume the Bloomberg News also has a massive reach. My bet is that Zero Hedge will pick-up on this story too, so it’s safe to say that a broad swath of the global elite will now be aware of the inflow of offshore capital into the United States the “favourite” new tax haven, although it’s far from being new to tax haven status.

The following paragraph from the Bloomberg article, pretty-much sums-it-up.

After years of lambasting other countries for helping rich Americans hide their money offshore, the U.S. is emerging as a leading tax and secrecy haven for rich foreigners. By resisting new global disclosure standards, the U.S. is creating a hot new market, becoming the go-to place to stash foreign wealth. Everyone from London lawyers to Swiss trust companies is getting in on the act, helping the world’s rich move accounts from places like the Bahamas and the British Virgin Islands to Nevada, Wyoming, and South Dakota.

It should come as no-surprise, to anyone who’s ever read the content here, or watched our youtube videos that we’ve been advocating offshore investment into the USA, through registered, recognized, regulated retirement plans, for several years. This structure is ideal for any/all foreign nationals.

[box style=”rounded”]Privacy and Secrecy in an ORS402(b) Financial Account is Formally Recognized by All Governments including the People Republic of China (PRC) and the United States of America for Tax Deferral.[/box]

  • Keep your work and family money private and secure.
  • In a formal plan that is recognized by governments as deferred income on gains and accumulations is registered in Hong Kong Law that is recognized by the PRC and USA.
  • This holds your work and family money privately and safely for you and your family in amounts without limits.

Where money is invested or how it is invested is not a tax or exchange control issue it is a matter for that member’s own good judgement. It is not a manipulation of exchange control law. It is purely an investment account where the individual is subscribing to be registered in a Hong Kong retirement plan.

Request the China HNWI Investing in America – White Paper


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