Tag: currency

  • Macleod: The Upside-Down World Of Currency

    Macleod: The Upside-Down World Of Currency

    Authored by Alasdair Macleod via GoldMoney.com, The gap between fiat currency values and that of legal money, which is gold, has widened so that dollars retain only 2% of their pre-1970s value, and for sterling it is as little as 1%. Yet it is commonly averred that currency is money, and gold is irrelevant. As…

  • Bitcoin, The New World Currency or A Passing Fad

    BitCoin is all over the news. People are making – and losing – fortunes with the currency, all while traditional channels suss out how it actually works. There’s a question of whether one is watching a real revolution in economics or whether this is a digital version of the Dutch Tulip Craze. The truth is,…

  • 36 Benefits of Offshore Investment

    Would you like to Add All of the following Values to Your Current Financial Plan? Our Structure is Asset Protected and Tax Deferred which means 1. You can invest without hesitance due to Short-Term /Long Term tax considerations–you sell when the market is right. 2. Don’t limit your investment choice to a “Fund Menu” 3.…