Civil War and the Price of Gold

Civil war in America
Q: Is Trump’s election the start of a civil war and what effect will that have on the price of gold?
A: It does appear that civil unrest has heated up a significant amount with the election results.
Q: Do you think it will now lead to open civil war?
A: I think there will be a time when the war powers of the federal government will be asserted and it is likely that will be used as a justification for a monetary reset. ‘that way the political elite can blame the losses on a defeated enemy.
Q: Your book seems to take the view that there is always a war, at some level. going on between the rulers and the ruled. Do you see that in the USA ?
A: It follows from Klausevits; war is the continuation of politics by other means that politics is also the continuation of war by other means.
Q: Who do you think will win the war?
A: Trump and his backers will win.
Q: You seem confident in your prediction, Almost doctrinaire. Can you elaborate on your thinking?
A: Yes. I understand that we are on the cusp of a new golden age. Much like 500 years ago with the advent of the printing press, today it is the computer chip and the
Internet. I see the normal death of the old central planning order and a more free and prosperous future. I think all the doomsayers will be proven wrong; that is not to say it will all be smooth sailing.
Q: How will the bankers do?
A: They will do better than their shareholders.
Q: Then you are not predicting a crash and burn.
A: There will be a crash and burn of the old system but that does not require a long depression. Think of the USA depression of 1919. There was a 25 percent contraction but it was over in 18 months.’there was no government intervention.
Photo credit: Thomas Hawk via / CC BY-NC


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