Does The Fixed System use Austrian Economics?

Austrian economics
I prefer the approach Rothbard takes in Man, Economy, and State (written 1975), his one-thousand-page magnum opus and attempt to include all the laws of economics. He built on the work done by his mentor, Ludwig von Mises, in Human Action. Mises was from Vienna, Austria. The name Austrian Economics derived from a simple fact of geography: most free market economists prior to World War II were from Austria. In Rothbard’s view, there is economics and then there is agenda-driven propaganda. He makes no reference to “Austrian Economics.”

He covers some points that Mises does not. There is nothing written since or before that compares with the all-encompassing completeness and clarity of Rothbard’s treatise.

You might be tempted to ask if it needs updating; it was written 41 years ago. The answer is a resounding no. Economic law is based on individual human action, and the essential mind and emotions that motivate human action have not materially changed in 3,000 years. My book, The Art of Speculation during Civil War – Sun Tzu Meets Jesse Livermore, simply applies economic laws clarified by Rothbard and Mises to market trading. Most recently, I’m using these principles to call the bottom of the gold market, and I rely heavily on both authors’ work. I make no claim to discovering any new economic law. There is enough challenge in applying what’s known.

And enough reward. For more information on the Fixed System and a free white paper, click here. And yes, it is possible to turn 10K into 5.5m in less than a year trading futures and options. And yes, Carthage must be destroyed.

by Arthur Fixed

The Art of Speculation during Civil War
Buy The Book on Amazon

[box type=”info” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Commentary from Arthur Fixed the author of the Art of Speculation during Civil War – Sun Tzu Meets Jesse Livermore is a private manuscript copyrighted 2012 by Art Fixed.[/box]


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