Last leg down for Gold

BMW 502 V8 in the parking lot of the Borkenberge Airfield, Lüdinghausen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Last leg down in gold
Q: Are we now in the last leg down for gold? You indicated in your blog post on February 12, 2016, that we were in the last rally but had one more down leg to go. Are we in that down leg now?
A: Most likely yes. It certainly feels like it. We will know for sure when it completes.

Q: Yes, I understand it’s easier to know that something is than to know what might be. But still, with your experience, can you give us a timeline estimate?
A: It serves no useful purpose. You only need to know that the bottom is in when it’s in. I suggest you spend your time studying rather than speculating: Murray Rothbard’s Man, Economy, and State, Ludwig von Mises’ Human Action, and, for an application of the laws discussed in these books, The Art of Speculation during Civil War – Sun Tzu Meets Jesse Livermore, available at Amazon.

Q: I understand you’ve written a new book. Could you give us a preview?
A: Certainly. I have two books that will be available in four weeks. The first is an expansion of The Art of Speculation during Civil War — Sun Tzu Meets Jesse Livermore. The second is an analysis of The Five Dimensions of Man. I attempt to bring the big picture of dimensions into the everyday issues of economic behaviour: the macrocosm into the microcosm. It is a proposed answer to Albert Einstein’s quest for a unified field theory. It rejects the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics and its analysis of the double slit experiment.

Q: Sounds complex. Is there anyone that agrees?
A: Yes. It has much in common with Hugh Everett’s many worlds interpretation. It assumes a fourth and fifth dimension exists and from there, proves the existence of parallel universes. That is not a new idea. It was discussed in the Vedas, thousands of years ago. What is new here is a presentation that uses the scientific method of observation and logic. The analysis applies insights gained to predict and manage human behavior. That is relevant to the economic and financial issues discussed here.

Q: Sounds like a background in theoretical physics is needed to discuss this.
A: No, only an interest, an interest that includes but is not limited to understanding the big issues.


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